Couples Chakra Healings
For couples on a devoted journey of transformation and a return to love. A thorough, energy-field healing for each of you, recorded on two separate videos, but in addition to giving you what you need as individuals, feedback from your spiritual guides will be focused on exploring the energy dynamics of the relationship and reveal the roots of any ongoing challenges. Includes extensive 1-on-1 support, together or individually as needed.
For couples on a devoted journey of transformation and a return to love. A thorough, energy-field healing for each of you, recorded on two separate videos, but in addition to giving you what you need as individuals, feedback from your spiritual guides will be focused on exploring the energy dynamics of the relationship and reveal the roots of any ongoing challenges. Includes extensive 1-on-1 support, together or individually as needed.
For couples on a devoted journey of transformation and a return to love. A thorough, energy-field healing for each of you, recorded on two separate videos, but in addition to giving you what you need as individuals, feedback from your spiritual guides will be focused on exploring the energy dynamics of the relationship and reveal the roots of any ongoing challenges. Includes extensive 1-on-1 support, together or individually as needed.
There’s nothing in life that shows us a mirror of ourselves more clearly than a romantic partnership. A Full Chakra Healing reveals the details of your entire energy field at this point in time, but in the case of a Couples Chakra Healing, the reading will also reveal how your partner’s energy (and the energy of the relationship) is showing up your field. This Spirit Reading will reveal the roots of ongoing challenges in the relationship, and will also bring the spiritual guidance you need to heal and change.
Although it’s incredibly effective and beautifully healing, this reading is likely to shed light on darkness that’s been hidden for a lifetime, so it’s recommended for relationships in which both individuals have committed to a path of transformation. Those who have experienced deep trauma should be emotionally prepared to feel what needs to be felt, but the bigger the shadow, the brighter the light is that’s been hidden behind it. I’m here to support you, hold space for you, and lead you to the other side.